Call Mayor Bowser: Final Veto Week - Stand up for Families!
<C>Tell Mayor Muriel Bowser: "Do NOT veto the Universal Paid Leave Act."</C>
<C>Call-In Days are Monday, Feb 13-Thursday, Feb 16.
Feel free to sign up for slots on each day! Our Mayor NEEDS to hear from all of us that standing in the way of #PaidLeave4DC would be a moral and political mistake. </C>
<c>The number is (202) 727-2643</c>
Here is a sample script:
Hello! I am calling to ask Mayor Bowser to allow the Universal Paid Leave Act to become law. Paid family and medical leave insurance is a necessary lifeline in these uncertain times and I want to see our local government show bold leadership on this crucial front. Please do not veto hope for DC workers and families like mine.
<C>(Optional: Paid leave is personally important to me because ________.) </C>
Alexandra Bradley, Anna A, Ankita Patnaik, Ethan Miller, Kathleen Logan, Sophie Schoenberg, Rachel Mandelbaum
Caitlin Krieck, Sarah Marcus, Allana D'Amico, Katherine, Julie Margolies, Jocie S., Samantha E Master
Rebecca Barson, Jeremiah Lowery, Dale Kaufman, Aaron Fenster, Amy Hemingway, Juliene James, Sabina Henneberg
Alex C, Joanna Blotner, Melanie, Amanda Koppelman-Milstein, Vanessa T Lamers, Leora, Sabina Henneberg, Charlotte