Demand Congress pass a #cleanDREAMAct!
Thank you for your support to protect and defend undocumented youth, their families, and communities. Now is the time to demand Congress pass a #cleanDREAMAct!
Please sign up for a call time slot below. You will receive an email message reminding you to make your call five minutes before your chosen time.
Phone number: <b>844-551-6921</b>
<b><i>"Hi! My name is ____, and I live in (city/state). As a constituent of Rep. __, I want to register my opposition to Trump's decision to end DACA, and to share my support for Undocumented youth and communities. I urge Rep. ____ to co-sponsor the DREAM Act, sign the Discharge Petition, and demand that House leadership move the DREAM Act as it is written to a vote immediately."</b></i>
Thank you!
When you are done with your call, please share on <a href="">Facebook</a> and on <a href="">Twitter</a> to encourage your networks to make phone calls as well! Please also feel free to email us at <a href=""></a> with feedback about how the call went.
Here's a sample tweet, feel free to tweak:
<i>I called [Insert rep.'s twitter handle] to demand congress pass a #cleanDREAMact. Join me and @APALANational in the fight --></i>