Slottr: Easy online signup sheets

Service/Solidarity Day Sign Up

There will be two locations people can sign up for, Mattapan and Downtownish, described below. The volunteers needed are estimated only.

Transitions - 201 River St., Mattapan / Entre Familia - 209 River St., Mattapan -- 12-16 volunteres

  • Legal presentation on a specific topic (know your rights kind of thing) -- CORI, 209As, etc.
  • Sorting and organizing donations
  • Photo copying and assembling packets
  • Leading a recreation activity (board games, craft, outdoor games, musical)
  • Campus beautification aka cleaning outdoor space (picking up some trash and cigarette butts)
  • Planting some plants in pots

Prevention/Addiction Bureau - 774 Albany St., Boston but as an outreach activity it may take people into other areas (10-20 volunteers)

  • Window boxes with flowers
  • Memorial overdose garden
  • Campus beautification
  • Clearing out the staff outdoor break area
  • Painting walls
  • Cleaning the fridges (some staff, some client)

Donation requests include:
- used or new books (Transitions)
- used or new DVDs (Transitions)
- used or new musical instruments (Transitions)
- used or new board games (Transitions)
- Socks (AHOPE)
- Underwear (AHOPE)

Donations are being collected in bins at Northeastern

The sheet does not take any results after Friday, April 24, 2015, 5:00 PM.

Downtownish Location
Michelle Newman, Shiva Prakash, Katherine Stock, Colleen Shea, Amanda Montel
Mattapan Location
Quinn Rallins, Jess Acosta-Muller, Jackie Kelley, David Way, Rose Naone