ACTION ALERT: Call Mendelson Wednesday 5/20
On Wednesday 5/20, help us call Chairman Mendelson every 5 to 10 minutes to ask him to fund the plan to end chronic homelessness in D.C.
Sign up for a time slot below! If the time slots are all taken, you can still call whenever you are free.
Instructions are below and will be emailed the day before the call. A reminder will also be sent to your phone 5 minutes before your scheduled call.
At your designated time on 5/20, please dial (202) 724-8032 to connect with Chairman Mendelson's office.
Use this script as your guide, but feel free to share any personal reasons for why you are making this phone call:
"Hello, I would like to leave a message for Chairman Mendelson. My name is ____________, and I'm calling to urge the Chairman to fully fund the plan to end chronic homelessness and the recommendations of The Way Home.
I especially ask him to invest $4.5 million in Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid re-housing, and targeted affordable housing.
I also support Fair Budget Coalition's recommendations and believe that any new resources should go to programs that end homelessness and poverty, rather than undoing the sales tax increase. Thank you."
Thanks for participating! If you have any questions, please let us know at kurt@miriamskitchen.org.