Mayor Bowser: Fund Housing Security in the FY19 Budget
On March 21, Mayor Bowser will release her FY19 proposed budget to the council. Join us in urging the Mayor to fund a Fair Budget by prioritizing Housing Security for District residents.
Sign up for a time slot below and help us make sure her phone rings every 10 minutes. If the time slots are all taken, please call whenever you are free.
When you are done, please tweet about your experience. A sample tweet is below.
I just called @MayorBowser to ask her to support a @FairBudgetDC by prioritizing Housing Security for District residents. #DCValues
At your designated time on 3/16, please dial (202) 727-2643 to call Mayor Bowser's office.
Use the script below as a guide, but feel free to share any personal reasons for why you are making this phone call:
"Hello, I would like to leave a message for Mayor Bowser. My name is _________, and I am a ward _ resident. I'm calling to ask Mayor Bowser to support a Fair Budget by prioritizing Housing Security for District residents. The District must live up to its commitments to end homelessness and address our affordable housing crisis. We need investments to end homelessness, invest in public housing, create units for people making 0-30% AMI, eliminate housing discrimination and improve shelter and services for people experiencing homelessness. I want to see this issues prioritized in the FY19 budget.
Thanks for participating! If you have any questions, please let us know at monica@fairbudget.org